Release Note


Aug 20 2024,

What's Changed?

feat: Implement base structure
Implement workflow to update all inactive branches when a PR to dev is merged
refactor: Modify project to use 'featureless' clean architecture
Implement Web3Auth feature
Add implementation/web3-auth branch to update-inactive-branches workflow
Setup project to work with mapbox on Android and iOS
Change app package name/bundle id and app name and add mapbox map to map screen
Rename drone_restrictions feature to u_a_s_restrictions
Align bottom navigation UI with design
Implement bottom navigation widget
Modify auth screens implementation to align with design and project architecture and define weights for font family children in pubspec.yaml
Implement auth screens
Connect web3Auth logic to auth UI's
Add annotation class to draw circle and polygon around arbitrary coordinate
Setup different environments for Android
Implement UAS restrictions business logic and minimal UI consumer
Define signing config for release in build.gradle
Move signingConfigs above buildTypes in build.gradle
Implement terms of service and privacy policy click action
build: Implement location and link handler features, configure product flavours for iOS and add URL schemes for Android and iOS
Modify update-inactive-branches.yml to include feature/u-a-s-restrictions branch
Add docs/read-me branch to update inactive branches workflow
Create and add new docs/read-me branch to update inactive branches workflow and update
Implement new features
Implement bottom sheet showing airspace extra info
Wire up bottom sheet UI to display information from API
Implement new feature and API's and clean up some widgets to align with design
Resolve web3Auth redirect to app issue on Android
Specify correct Web3Auth network for dev, stage and live by
Move geoHash implementation to a separate feature
Rename file_manager feature and related references to cache-manager
Add new internet connection checker feature, implement map options overlay on home screen, resolve issue with computing geoHash inside onCameraChangeListener and update splash screen for Android 12
Change Android and iOS launcher icons
Implement several new features and resolve several issues for UAS restrictions feature
Add new job that updates dev with main
Modify build.gradle
Replace applicationIdSuffix with versionNameSuffix
Modify app level build.gradle


Aug 22 2024,

What's Changed

feat: Make entire drone detail card clickable
Remove unused dependencies
Update in-app logo, app icon and splash screen
Introduce referencing versionCode and versionName from .properties file
Make entire drone card clickable and change app logo, icon and splash


Aug 5 2024, What's Changed?

chore: Upgrade project version code and name
Modify analytics and sentry implementation


Jul 29 2024, What's Changed?

feat: Implement Register Screen
Update workflow to cover updating dev and inactive branches on push to master
Fix conditional defined in update-inactive-branches-on-push-to-dev job to point to the right ref
Integrate Google Analytics and Implement viewing 3rd party licenses
Change privacy policy and terms and conditions URL
Define signing configs for dev, stage and live and match signingConfig of each environment to defined values
Fix issue with back button click in Register Fragment


Jul 3 2024, What's Changed?

Tweak logic to create file in BluetoothScanner
Implement local and remote logging of raw byte data from WiFi beacon
Implement workflow to update all inactive branches when a PR to dev is merged
Move update inactive branches workflow to project root
Restructure MainActivity to fix stability issues
Disable remote logging in SentryLogger
refactor: Move all web3Auth operations to a Web3AuthManager class
Implement search autocomplete using the Google Places Android SDK
Add all files in .idea directory at project root to gitignore
Modify LoginActivity to use jetpack compose
Add new background service
Change CheckInternetAndSessionActivity to use Jetpack Compose
Change active internet connection availability checker logic
Add omitted click observer for retry button
Add custom Search Bar UI
Replace web3Auth credentials with credentials used on the frontend web3Auth account
Implement sending raw byte data and phone last location coordinates to API
Implement debounce for autocomplete search
Fix crash with broadcast receiver
Fix issue with foreground service
Implement Solana signature authetication
Change app package name and modify web3Auth network
Add docs/read-me branch to update inactive branches workflow
Implement nonce generator inside Web3Auth
Investigate and fix issue with Sentry integration
Modify logout menu text casing
Resolve unexpected end of stream error by closing connection for each network request
Modify In-App Update implementation
Handle case where user declines or cancels In-App Update and rename some InAppUpdateManager methods and callbacks
Implement In-App Update
Create reusable composables, resolve UI issues with HelpActivity, migrate HelpActivity to use Jetpack Compose, remove callback interface from Web3AuthManager, modify some Web3AuthManager methods to use functions as parameters and upgrade several project dependencies
Update help page
Modify build.gradle to include product flavours
Change Web3Auth dependency
Fix issue receiver not registered
Update .gitignore file
Remove from tracking
refactor: Bump some dependency versions and isolate app bar into a separate reusable composable
Bump versionCode and versionName in build.gradle to 10 and 0.0.10 respectively
Release v0.0.10

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